Viscum articulatum | Viscum articulatum | |
Description:Whole plant | Description:Plant | |
Location: Fong On Bay, Danbulla Drive, Tinaroo,North Queensland | Location: Kennedy Highway,Petford,North Queensland | |
GPS coordinates:17°09.311S 145° 35.356E | GPS coordinates:17˚16.361S 144˚59.016E | |
Host plant:Amyema glabra on rainforest sp | Host plant:Dendrophthoe homoplastica on Eucalyptus creba | |
Date of photo:22 February 2009 | Date of photo:25 January 2009 | |
Field No.:421B | Field No.:U679 | |
Viscum articulatum | Viscum articulatum | |
Description:Fruits | Description:Fruits | |
Location: Umagico Campground, North Queensland | Location: Tolga, North Queensland | |
GPS coordinates:10˚ 53.159S 142˚ 20.8E | GPS coordinates:17˚13.364S 145˚28.850E | |
Host plant:Amyema villiflora | Host plant:Dendrophthoe curvata on Jacaranda tree | |
Date of photo:13 July 2010 | Date of photo:16 August 2009 | |
Field No.:U677 | Field No.:U678 | |
Viscum articulatum | Viscum articulatum | |
Description:Whole plants and host | Description:Whole plants and host | |
Location: Track from Mt Lewis to Mt Carbine, North Queensland | Location: Chillagoe, North Queensland | |
GPS coordinates:16° 35.910S 145° 15.860E | GPS coordinates:17°10.703S 144°30.200E | |
Host plant:Santalum lanceolatum | Host plant:Amyema biniflora on Corymbia erythrophloia | |
Date of photo:7 September 2008 | Date of photo:24 October 2009 | |
Field No.:307 | Field No.:559A | |
Viscum articulatum | Viscum articulatum | |
Description:Flowers | Description:Female flower | |
Location: Dimbulah to Thornborough, North Queensland | Location: Dimbulah to Thornborough, North Queensland | |
GPS Coordinates:17°00.779S 145°01.979E | GPS Coordinates:17°00.779S 145°01.979E | |
Host plant:Santalum lanceolatum | Host plant:Santalum lanceolatum | |
Date of photo:15 March 2015 | Date of photo:15 March 2015 | |
Field No.:3031 | Field No.:3031 | |
Viscum articulatum | Viscum articulatum | |
Description:Female flower - side view | Description:Male flower | |
Location: Dimbulah to Thornborough, North Queensland | Location: Dimbulah to Thornborough, North Queensland | |
GPS Coordinates:17°00.779S 145°01.979E | GPS Coordinates:17°00.779S 145°01.979E | |
Host plant:Santalum lanceolatum | Host plant:Santalum lanceolatum | |
Date of photo:15 March 2015 | Date of photo:15 March 2015 | |
Field No.:3031 | Field No.:3031 | |
Viscum articulatum | Viscum articulatum | |
Description:Fruit | Description:Plant on host | |
Location:Lake St, North Cairns, North Queensland | Location:Lake St, North Cairns, North Queensland | |
GPS coordinates:16˚54.0984S, 145°45.5556E | GPS coordinates:16˚54.0984S, 145°45.5556E | |
Host plant:Dendrophthoe curvata (FN 3674) on street tree (FN 3675) | Host plant:Dendrophthoe curvata (FN 3674) on street tree (FN 3675) | |
Date of photo:8 November 2015 | Date of photo:8 November 2015 | |
Field No.:3673 voucher specimen | Field No.:3673 voucher specimen | |
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Page created 24 April 2010
Page edited 28 May 2017
© Roger Fryer and Jill Newland 2010 - 2017