North Queensland Plants

Welcome to these pictures of Australian plants. Our main interests are parasitic and carnivorous plants. However the site is not limited to these categories and  there are many Australian species across a wide range of genera featured.

As we live in Cairns, North Queensland, the site concentrates on North Queensland plants but  there are pictures from all over Australia. We also spend a lot of time looking at alpine and desert plants. The pictures are subject to the image use policy below.  All the photos are of plants in the wild and untouched photos are used and locations given wherever  possible.The datum for the GPS is WGS84. We  spend a lot of time in the bush identifying and photographing plants  in their natural habitat.

All plants have been identified using references cited on the pages. Plant names are consistent with the Australian Plant Name Index (APNI) and locations are checked against the Atlas of Living Australia.  We welcome comment on the site and have many other photos of plants which are not yet on the site.The site currently features about 2000 different Australian plants. We can also try to identify plants from photos sent to us. High resolution photos are available on request.

Apologies if you have tried to contact me recently, but my email address has changed. See below for my new email address.

In Memoriam.

This website is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Jill Newland, 1952 -2019.  It was her inspiration and motivation that started it and she was the main editor, doing the majority of the identifications, all the photographic editing and publishing of the on-line pages. Jill was diagnosed with terminal cancer in late 2018 and she passed away in August 2019.  She is sorely missed.


List of plants by family

List of plants by genus


Australian Parasitic Plants

Australian Carnivorous Plants


Australian Ant Plants

Australian Mangroves

  North Queensland Orchids    
  Click here to contact North Queensland Plants  
  Click here to Search site  

For further information  please email

Latest home page update - 28 February 2024
Counter 7 September 2017 - 30 April 2019 6,000,000

Image use policy  Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 2.5 Australia License.
Page created 24 April 2010
Page edited 28 February 2024
© Roger Fryer and Jill Newland 2010 - 2024